Our Unique Security Risk Assessment for Buildings and Homes
Throughout the years, UCS has provided consultancy services for the buildings and homes for a wide range of top tier clientele, ranging from ultra-high net worth individuals both in Hong Kong and Mainland China, to Hong Kong’s famous and prestigious property developers. Using the combined expertise and advice from our experienced specialists with expert knowledge in a wide range of security backgrounds, we have formulated a unique methodology to conduct a comprehensive security risk assessment for luxurious residential developments, grand mansions, grade A commercial complexes, malls, hotels, etc. for our esteemed clientele.
Our risk assessment covers all areas that pertain to a development’s security and privacy, and is diligently coordinated by our highly professional risk assessment team.
Risk Identification and Evaluation
In the first stage of risk assessment, our security specialists conduct an in-depth analysis of the geographical location of the development or house, its surrounding environment, floor plans, general and specific crime trend within the site vicinity, and the latest intrusion tactics adopted by criminals. Using this information, we meticulously pinpoint potential security and privacy risks that the development or house may face after occupation. These risks include but are not limited to threats such as: crime, terrorism, cybersecurity, privacy and unwarranted surveillance, and natural disasters.
Security and Privacy Strategy
Using our findings from our risk identification and evaluation phase, our next steps consist of forming a Security and Privacy Strategy which will provide the framework for our security and privacy risk mitigating measures. Factors that shape this strategy include the location of the Development or house, the background of the specific end-user, market positioning, which forms the precursor to our risk assessment phase, and provides direction to our security design. By communicating closely with our clients, including if necessary a confidential one-to-one meeting with the house owner, in order to assess the risk level, risk tolerance and security requirements of that specific end-user and their family, we obtain a general idea of the level of protection that the development or house requires, which enables us to devise security recommendations accordingly.
Security Design
From the above strategy, our security specialists meticulously map out a tailor-made security design for the development or house, beginning from the perimeter, the garden and entrances, all the way into the private area. Our design principles are outlined in concrete terms to be endorsed by the client.
Defense-in-depth and Zone Management
Our security specialists recognize that while security and privacy are significant factors in providing peace of mind to end-users, comfort and user-friendliness are equally important for residential developments. Our defense-in-depth approach follows a multi-tiered protection mechanism in the form of concentric circles, with the appropriate level of security in each layer to allow for convenience, utility, and effectiveness as coordinated with the client.
Risk Mitigating Measures
The scope of our recommendations fall broadly into two categories: architectural design & security systems (AD&SS) and operational processes (OP). AD&SS pertains to the physical changes for the development or house (e.g. fence, access control, doors and windows, perimeter intrusion detection system, CCTV, alarm, etc.), and OP focuses on processes such as standard operating procedures (SOPs) incident handling for day to day operations and emergencies (guard deployment, visitor management, etc.).
Report and Follow Up
After the risk assessment phase, we will provide a confidential report outlining what we have done for the entire assessment. This is followed by the implementation of recommended risk mitigating measures, with continuing efforts by the client’s architects, relevant consultants, project management and property management team. Our specialists work diligently to follow up on the project and ensure that our security recommendations are carried out to completion.